Dried Fruits
The company also has a successful operation in Peru, where we produce and export dryed tropical fruits as mango, pineapple, strawberries, banana, blueberries, physalis, and grapes among other first quality fruits, sourcing first quality brands in every continent.

Andean Grains
Using advanced technology for underground irrigation and carbon sequestration for soil protection, GE Agro produces and exports from Bolivia high quality cereals as Chía, Soy beans, Purple Corn, Wheat and Quinoa.
Our Products
About us
GE Agro is a private company part of the Holding Gas & Electricidad S.A., with experience developing business since 1989 in Bolivia, Peru and Spain.
GE Agro owns 1500 ha in eastern Bolivia, close to Brazil, where using top-of-the-line irrigation systems from Israel, it was possible to develop 1200 ha fully equipped with underground fertirrigation and satellite monitoring systems, allowing the company to operate year-round, not depending on rainfall behavior.